30 11, 2023

International electronics industry seminar gathers leading experts for discussions on the state of the electronics industry


The international electronics industry seminar "IPC DAY EMS 2023: "Where have [...]

International electronics industry seminar gathers leading experts for discussions on the state of the electronics industry2023-12-07T14:54:26+02:00
1 12, 2022

International electronics seminar brought leading experts’ experiences and know-how to Tallinn


The international electronics seminar "IPC EMS Day - EMS industry recovering [...]

International electronics seminar brought leading experts’ experiences and know-how to Tallinn2022-12-05T15:30:22+02:00
25 10, 2022

Incap Estonia named Foreign Investor of The Year at the 2022 Entrepreneurship Awards in Estonia


A member of the Estonian Electronics Association, Incap Electronics Estonia was [...]

Incap Estonia named Foreign Investor of The Year at the 2022 Entrepreneurship Awards in Estonia2022-10-25T14:20:23+03:00
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