Address: | Reinu tee 48, 71020 Viljandi |
Telephone: | +372 435 4545 |
Website: | |
E-mail: | |
Founded: | 2007 |
Employees: | 160+ |
Manager: | Arti Kütt |
Contact Persons: | Lii Susi |
Activity fields: | Last mile solutions for retail and logistics sectors |
Certificates: | ISO 9001:2015 |
Products and goods: | Automated parcel machines and parcel robots |
Production and services: | Cleveron is the innovation leader in creating robotics-based parcel terminals and developing last mile solutions for retail and logistics sectors. All our unique products are protected by intellectual property rights. Cleveron’s development centre is in Viljandi and the sales department is located at Valukoja 8, Tallinn. Cleveron develops its own soft- and hardware and provides assembly, installation, maintenance and a warranty for all products. |